Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Inaugural Post...what to call the ex's child!


As I write this post, I am sipping a cup of tea that my husband's ex wife's 3 year old daughter bought me for Christmas and am still even after all of these years wondering what to call her. I adore the child and she too adores me.

When she was born, we all ran to the hospital and occupied the waiting room with my husband's ex wife's family and her in laws and even back then, our group never saw it as weird. So it's no small wonder that now, 3 years later when we adore that child, we have no language to assign to her.

My daughter calls her her "love sister" but somehow "love child" has a different meaning in this context and still, no one would understand. The closest I have ever come to is the same is what I call my step children...I call them the children of my heart" because even though I didn't give birth to them, I love them like I did.

Perhaps I should just wrap my head around the idea that no one but us will ever understand!

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