Friday, April 23, 2010

My Ex's Cat and the Book of Awesome

So, in keeping with my family's tradition of being what other people think of as weird, my Ex came to me with a request. "Auntie M, Qtip needs a place to stay for a few weeks while I'm away...he would wuv to stay wif you"! Qtip is his cat who is notoriously mean because he lives with a guy who travels a ton and isn't known for being "loving" if you catch my drift. Yes, he is my Ex and yes, it is one of the reasons why we divorced in the first place. So here is the kicker, of course I said yes because a) I'm a helper and I knew that the Ex needed my help and b) I'm a sucker for an animal in need. Even a cat....and a mean one at that.

Here's the thing though, now he's here...we've all found that we're all allergic to him but the little bugger has turned into a snuggler and we all love him. My blended family has now decided that we would like joint custody of the cat! How's that for awesome.

Which brings me to a blog that everyone should read. 1000 Awesome things. It's a great back story of how the blog got started but the best part is the idea of seeing the Awesome in every day. Like the fact that a really mean cat of my ex husband can win the hearts of 5 people who are allergic to him enough to create a custody arrangement! Awesome!

Here is the link to his new book...really cool.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Elizabeth Gilbert's Committed

Just finished this book being rather a bit of a skeptic on marriage myself. It has some amazingly profound, yet Elizabeth Gilbertish funny comments. Through her neurosis, again we see a different side of life.

Would I get married again after reading this book? Not sure, she makes a pretty compelling argument about the benefits (or not) of marriage particularly for marriage however the ending about the sense of community that marriage brings was exceptionally well written and makes the book worth reading all on it's own.

Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage

Time to get serious about blogging

So last weekend, we watched the love child who has no name. I'm thinking that love daughter is getting closer but not the point, her parents needed to go out so she came here to spend the night. When her Dad dropped her off, he told me that she was so excited that she had started packing 4 days earlier. She walked straight into the house, went right to the fridge to see if her "special drinks" were there and settled herself in for the night.

Not knowing what the little monkey had planned or what plans she was hatching with her brothers and my daughter I figured that I had better get her car seat in case a trip was in order (it was). As her Dad was getting it out for me, he told me that at work that day, he'd been trying to explain our relationship to a co worker. After a half an hour of explaining, and an attempt at a family tree drawing, the co worker apparently looked at him and shook his head saying "that is f@#ked"!

I laughed when I heard it because it happens to us all the time but then started thinking about it. Here we are, a family of people who has chosen to get over our own crap, forgive ourselves and each other and not make everyone's life worse by fighting and it's US that are f#@ked? Seriously.

So all of you out there, take a look at your children and decide what is better for them and everyone else...strangling rage burning below the surface bubbling over every part of your life, or recognizing that everyone is human everyone makes mistakes and no child should ever have to inherit the crap of their parents...? Think about it!